Monday, April 8, 2013

Coastlines, challenges and cows



Once in a while we add a scenic picture for you to enjoy! Here is one of those that is waiting in the wings and being considered for a  painting!

This scene was taken at one of the little beaches very near to Wellington - (known collectively as the Kapiti Coast) at the bottom end of the North Island. On a pretty day with not too much wind, plenty of driftwood around and not many folks braving the waves for a swim.  
There are four fellows who work alongside Jo at MWH who take golf quite seriously. (Incidentally, if you play golf for your firm's team, and [one would assume] in regular office hours, are you paid at the usual rate or is there a special 'leisure for work' rate?) Just curious! Apparently, a four-ball is arranged regularly for these players and they fearlessly take on opposition players from other branches of MWH. This activity clearly required a trophy to be designed, created and played for! Enter the Botha/van der Spuy team - result - the splendid trophy made from spectacular rimu wood, with a polished to mirror-like gleam plaque - engraved with MWH inter-office golf challenge. It was admittedly a nerve shattering experience engraving the plaque, but we thought it turned out better than we'd hoped it would.
And by the way - the four intrepid golfers from MWH Wanganui promptly lost the trophy on its debut outing to another branch - now that's just not cricket!!!
Fonterra (the dairy giant in New Zealand) has just launched a whole new concept in their advertising campaigns - evidently, milk should be stored in the dark! Who knew?? And so now, at a price of course, one can buy one's milk in 'triple layered' bottles guaranteed to keep the light out and one's milk as fresh as the moment before it left the cow!!! The ad's feature these transparent moo-cows frolicking around green pastures with milk sloshing about inside them! Clever advertising we thought, but is this really what we need for our milk - especially since it's more expensive than regular (by the same company) milk?? We don't actually give a fig, since we get our milk 'straight from the farm gate', pay half what the shops ask and have to skim off the cream since the milk is so rich! (it comes in clear glass lidded jars - no three layers of plastic in use at all!) I guess it comes down to the old adage of 'you pays your money and takes your choice'!!!
Dis al!

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