Thursday, March 7, 2013

And finally we have a new home blog page! It's been a while, since we really tried to explore all the possibilities of continuing on the old one - but to no avail - so here we are in a brand new space on a brand new blog which we hope you will find entertaining, interesting and worth a visit from time to time!

For our friends, family and loyal blog followers - welcome back! We hope you have missed us a tad! Hopefully we will continue to update our blog at least every week or so and there should always be some new photographs, some sometimes less than PC opinions about life in New Zealand and a sprinkling of the most newsworthy happenings in our part of the world (well, the ones we find newsworthy anyway). We don't always have the most interesting of lives - since we need to earn a living in between as well, but hey, that's life! So if you have read this far, then you most probably are one of our best followers from and will just come here to visit from now on. If you are 'newies' - the address above has four years of blog to read through - make a cup of something warm and glorious, sit back and browse through all the photos and snippets of totally useless information that has made up our lives since we left our homeland at the beginning of 2009. Whoever you are - WELCOME!

PS It has been decided that things like the best and most yummy recipes discovered will be included here from now on too! so keep an eye out, and bear in mind that in this house we don't attempt recipes who's ingredients we have to search for in a dictionary before we head for the grocery store and neither do we attempt recipes that take days of sequential steps to complete! " Life is too short to stuff a mushroom"

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